Second Infinitech Blockchain Workshop news
The 2nd INFINITECH workshop on ‘Blockchain Applications for Finance’ took place on March, 2nd 2022. The event organisation was coordinated by INNOV-ACTs, whereas several partners of the project, including INNOV-ACTS, presented their blockchain development and demonstrators. The H2020 INFINITECH research is at the top of this shift towards blockchain, implementing standards and provide showcases and demonstrations on the use of blockchain from the entire spectrum of digital finance.
The discussion was followed up with presentation of a plethora of blockchain applications for the finance sector, covering a wide spectrum of topics. These included:
- Decentralized Management of Consent in Finance Applications
- Implementation of the ERC1155 standard in HyperLedger Fabric to enable NFT Applications
- Know You Customer and Know Your Business using Blockchain Technology
- Fraud Detection Intelligence: Analysing Blockchain Transaction Graphs
- Blockchain Based Federated Learning Environment and Data Marketplace
The event was followed up by a Q&A session through which participants and presenters had the opportunity to discuss and elaborate on cutting-edge blockchain topics.
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