Data Protection Orchestrator the basis for Regulatory Compliance Tools
Atos Spain is bringing to Infinitech project the Data Protection Orchestrator (DPO) that orchestrates and integrates calls to security or privacy protection components according to specified protection configurations. The call to these protection components, ensures the protection of the input data when needed by performing the call at the target point in the business flow, such as before being sent to components for further processing, ensuring that during this process the data aren't disclosed.The DPO embeds and automats the assurance of security and privacy by design and by default in complex business blows It provides orchestration of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and related services using BPM tools in order to integrate privacy or data protection perspectives into business processes. It can orchestrate any type of REST services.
DPO is based on a mature BPM engine (jBPM from Red Hat) that has been extended for privacy purposes:
Infinitech proposes the Regulatory Compliance Tools (in task T3.6, also coordinated by Atos), which one of its main goal is to analyse regulatory compliance throughout the INFINITECH project and specifically in every pilot. It considers regulations for the financial sector and the available technologies in INFINITECH, it analyses the solution for regulatory compliance given by the pilots or if needed and provides a solution model based in DPO. The DPO in this case would map the regulations of the financial sector with the technologies producing our proposal of a general regulatory compliance tool.
Pilot 12-Personalized insurance products based on IoT connected devices, will show the use this general regulatory compliance tool based on DPO for orchestration of PETs, in this case Anonymization. The DPO will require a REST interface to communicate with the Anonymization component. The advantages of using DPO for this project are the following:
- Easy integration of Anonymization
- Transparent integration acting as a as a proxy
- Easy integration and orchestration of future PET modules for the future such as encryption, pseudonimization, etc
- In case that Anonimization requires separate steps, DPO would automatyze the calls simplifying the business flow